Eric LEcuyer Photo
Eric LEcuyer
Webster, MA
What type of Artist/Maker are you?
Photographer and Designer
How did you get started making/designing/etc?
Started creating designs back in High School on a Macintosh SE computer.
Is making art a full time gig for you or a side hustle?
Full time. I am creating imagery for a living.
Why are you a maker? What drives you to continue making?
I want to tell stories.
What is your favorite thing that you've created and sold at Worcester Wares?
The Kelley Square T-Shirt
Do you make/sell other products that aren't sold at Worcester Wares? If so, tell us about what you make.
I create images for large companies and individuals. From Lifestyle Products to Creative Portraits.
What is your maker process like?
It's just observation. See to world. Look. How does it feel to be present in it.
Any upcoming products, projects, events, or goals for 2019?
Would like to start a new portrait project this year and new theater projects are always in development.
If you could give advice to someone thinking about pursuing your type of craft what would you tell them?
Create what you like.
Tell us a weird/random/fun fact about yourself!
Over the last year at least once a week I get The Humpty Dance stuck in my head. Ya, it's random and it's driving me crazy.
What is your connection to the city of Worcester? (Live here? Work here? Grew up here? etc)
I lived in Worcester for about ten years. My business is right downtown.
One thing you LOVE about the city of Worcester.
It changing. Evolving
One change you'd like to see in Worcester.
More funding for the arts. Theater in general. Oh, and and there has been talk about a rail system. Would be nice to get around the city quickly without having to drive.